We have great pleasure to inform you that SCAC has been recognized by GIS-IBiSA (Regroupment of Scientific Interest - Biology, Health and Agronomy Infrastructures) as Plateform for "Behavioural Analys...
This website is powered by the following software and resources: PHP: Symfony2 FOSUserBundle (user authentication) Javascript interactions: jQuery jQuery UI (calendar widget) StickyTableH...
A request to cancel a reservation can now be sent from the website after habing clicked on a reservation.
Once an access requested is completed, it can be printed before being sent to the SCAC.
Successive steps of access requests (validation, choice of tests, etc.) and reservations (validation, locking, etc.) are now displayed on the corresponding pages.
The access request form (file in .doc
format) is now downloadable from the access conditions page.
Tests and devices are now viewable by all the visitors, previously only logged in users were able to see these pages.
When making a reservation, you can now add several time slots for the same test.
The price per hour for each device has been added on this website.
A carousel presenting devices' images has been added to the homepage.
The tests and devices can now be filtered by species (mouse or rat). Tests can also be filtered by their roles, e.g. tests involved when studying memory or motor disorders. These pages are only viewa...
The links to the different parts of this website are now available in english and french. You can switch the language with the link at the bottom of every page.
TESTTarifs IRIB et autres GRRs (PU, HT)Tarifs Univ. Rouen hors GRRs (PU, HT)Tarifs Autres académies (PU, HT)Tarifs hors académiques (Privé) (PU, TTC) Activité locomotrice (VersaMax) 7 €/h (≤...
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