Welcome on Platform SCAC website.
The Behavioural Analysis Platform (Service Commun d’Analyse Comportementale, SCAC) is a research infrastructure, for life science, of Institute of Research and Innovative in Biomedicine (IRIB) of University of Rouen, which allows to evaluate the behavioural and functional activities of new pharmacological drugs using diverse functional tests such as: anxiety, fear, depression, nutrition, food and drink consumption, metabolism, development (neonatal development and maternal behaviour), learning and memory, pain, motor behaviour (spontaneous activity, motor coordination), sensorimotor gaiting, addiction (appetitive or aversive properties), neurotoxicity and stroke. This facility is specialized in the creation and evaluation of animal models, mainly rodents, reproducing some emotional, dementia, neurodegenerative and motor diseases affecting humans. This facility has the objective to develop new animal models, to characterize complete behavioural phenotypes and in the reproducibility of our experimental models presenting deficits of neurological, psychiatric order or associated to the ageing and stroke and consequently to be able to test new pharmacological drugs with therapeutic aim within the framework of national and international scientific collaborations with academic and industrial partners.
This platform receives financial support from the Région Haute Normandie, University of Rouen, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), Interreg IV and several international exchange programs (Hubert Curien, CAPES/COFECUB,...).
SCAC has animal rooms and rooms specially dedicated to animal behavioral experiments. It brings together various classical and original devices, at the forefront of current technology. Facilities and devices of SCAC are in conformity with French, European and international official standard rules. The activity of SCAC was performed according to French and European Communities Council Directives (86/609/EEC + 210/63/UE) on animal experimentation.
Contact - +33 2 35 14 82 15
Mentions informatique et libertés
Le responsable de ce traitement est le président de l'université Rouen Normandie
Le traitement des données a pour finalité la mise en œuvre de la réservation des appareils de la plate-forme du service commun d'analyse comportementale.
Seuls les administrateurs de cette plate-forme ont accès aux données.
Toutes les données sont supprimées après la fin des projets ainsi que lors ce que les comptes personnels ne servent plus.
Conformément à la loi n° 78–17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification, voire d'opposition aux informations qui vous concernent. Si vous souhaitez exercer ce droit et obtenir communication des informations vous concernant veuillez-vous adresser par mail à, Copie aux correspondants informatique et libertés de l'université Rouen Normandie :
Terms and conditions
SCAC is open to regional, national and international scientific community or customers, both public and private. To access the facilities of the platform, users must announce the experiments using acc...
Logged in users can:
- Add access requests
- Invite other users by emails
- Add reservations on devices
Devices »
Animal welfare
Ethics and animal models Continuous improvement
Recent publications
- El Mehdi M et al. Glucose homeostasis is impaired in mice deficient for the neuropeptide 26RFa (QRFP). BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care (2020)
- Legrand R et al. Commensal Hafnia alvei strain reduces food intake and fat mass in obese mice-a new potential probiotic for appetite and body weight management. International Journal of Obesity (2020)
- Lucas N et al. Intestinal lymphatics alteration in mouse models of energy imbalance. Nutrition (2019)
- Lucas N et al. Hafnia alvei HA4597 Strain Reduces Food Intake and Body Weight Gain and Improves Body Composition, Glucose, and Lipid Metabolism in a Mouse Model of Hyperphagic Obesity. Microorganisms (2019)
- Breton J et al. Characterizing the metabolic perturbations induced by activity-based anorexia in the C57Bl/6 mouse using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Clinical Nutrition (2019)